Reading Time: < 1 minute

We all know body language conveys information to the mind. (We slump, we’re depressed; we stand up straight, we feel better.)  But it may surprise you how profound the information you convey to the outside world. In a nutshell, without a clear focus on body language selling skills you might be limiting your career potential.

In this fascinating and eye-opening TED talk video, Amy Cuddy, body-language expert, shares insights from her research and proposes strategies you can use today to ensure your body language conveys the information you want…namely “I’m cool and confident…so if ya want to do business, let’s do business.”

Personal Aside: I’ve been trying these strategies for the last few months and I’m amazed how easy and relaxed I feel. (And my pocket book has thanked me as well.)

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About the Author |
Michael Smythe is a realtor, author and founder of Well Fed Realtor, an inbox magazine dedicated to helping fellow real estate professional make more money - and avoid the many crappy marketing mistakes he made.